martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

El discurso ideológico de la política social en Venezuela, 1989-2010: un enfoque postestructuralista

This research examines the discursive change in the ideological field of social policy in Venezuela during the period 1989-2010. Our research is based essentially on poststructuralist discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau. The importance of our conceptual framework for the analysis of the ideological effects of the discourses of public policy, is to be a theoretical alternative for studying institutional change from key speeches and events in being a proposal to the theoretical corpus of research in public policy that emphasize the study of ideas and discourses to analyze the institutional changes involved the hegemonic articulation of new ideologies in social policy.

The discursive articulation of social policy in Venezuela during the period 1989-2010, serves two purposes hegemonic ideology of two moments in the form of government management. At first, the neoliberal ideology that creates the subjectivity of a citizen-consumer, whose social rights follow the logic of the market, in a second moment –from Venezuelan axial years 1999- creates a new subjectivity of the citizen as participant in radical democracy in Venezuela, and whose social rights are guaranteed and legitimized by the political community established in the Bolivarian Revolution currently in the process continuous.

Our research explores the rhetorical strategies at both moments hegemonic social policy in Venezuela, from discursive antagonisms and ideological effects translated into political representation in social policy. Rather than proposing an evaluation of social policies from certain normative model, our analysis of social policy discourse Venezuela builds the nodal points of the ideological hegemony of the public policy practice, catching of the political world of political ideologies that contextualize the social policy.

Poststructuralist Discourse Theory, Ideology, Hegemony, Social Policy, Health Policy, Venezuela.

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